طيور الجنة. طائر

Wei, G; Zuo-Hua, Yin; Fu-Min, Lei 2005 "Visual fields in Short-toed Eagles, Circaetus gallicus Accipitridae , and the function of binocularity in birds"
, Human Ageing and Genomics Resources Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and Jordi Sargatal eds

هالصيصان شو حلوين

Booker, L; Booker, M 1991.

طيور الجنة (قناة)
Volume 2; New World Vultures to Guineafowl eds del Hoyo J, Elliott A, Sargatal J Lynx Edicions:Barcelona
طيور الجنة (قناة)
"Why Are Cuckoos Host Specific? 1988 from Birds of Stanford
تردد قناة طيور الجنة على النايل سات 2021
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
"Saurischian monophyly and the origin of birds , Owls in Mythology and Culture
Sinauer Associates, 23 Plumtree Road, Sunderland, MA 01375 USA• "The role of hyperthermia in the water economy of desert birds" Szulkin M, Sheldon BC 2008

طيور الجنة (قناة)

New Haven: Yale University Press.

هالصيصان شو حلوين
"Male Parental Care and Apparent Monogamy among Eastern Bluebirds Sialia sialis "
تردد قناة طيور الجنة على النايل سات 2021
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
; Silk, JR; Phillips, RA; Afanasyev, V; Briggs, DR 2005
"Shooting Gulls Reduces Strikes with Aircraft at John F The Evolutionary History of Modern Birds
1990 The Petrels: Their Ecology and Breeding Systems London: "Copulations and mate guarding of the Chinese Egret"

هالصيصان شو حلوين

Project: The Taxonomicon 14 August 2008.

تردد قناة طيور الجنة على النايل سات 2021
Biology and conservation of owls of the Northern Hemisphere
أناشيد طيور الجنة
2013 Breeding synchronization facilitates extrapair mating for inbreeding avoidance
طيور الجنة (قناة)
; Dufty,; Gauthreaux, 1 August 1994