1 aed to sar. 1 United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) to Saudi Riyals (SAR) today

717 SAR 5000 SAR 4892 959740445 United Arab Emirates Dirham 100 Saudi Riyal 97
The page provides the exchange rate of 1 Emirati Dirham AED to Saudi Riyal SAR , sale and conversion rate 91 26 Russian Federation 2

UAE Dirham to Saudi Riyal exchange rate

Currency converter result page of conversion 1 United Arab Emirates Dirham in Saudi Riyal.

Convert SAR to AED
Handy Conversion Data Table Dirhams to Saudi-Riyal Saudi-Riyal to Dirhams 1 AED 1
Convert AED to SAR
9785 AED 2 AED 2
Convert SAR to AED
Exchange rate of this pair updated every day
9194808899 United Arab Emirates Dirham 1000 Saudi Riyal 979 How much is 1 Emirati Dirham to Saudi Riyal? You are also able to look at the conversion of AED and SAR to any other exchange rates or inverse conversions
Q: What is the Dirham worth against the Saudi Riyal? 1097 SAR 5 SAR 4 The Saudi riyal currency code SAR is the currency of Saudi Arabia

1 United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) to Saudi Riyals (SAR) today

5486 SAR 25 SAR 24.

Exchange Rate Average (Emirati Dirham, Saudi Arabian Riyal)
4249448815 Saudi Riyal 50 United Arab Emirates Dirham 51
1 AED to SAR (UAE Dirham to Saudi Riyal) FX Convert
24 2 Saudi Arabia 21
1 SAR to AED
0637417322 Saudi Riyal 5 United Arab Emirates Dirham 5