لب كافيه. فاكهة الجامون: فاكهة استوائية لذيذة تشبه البرقوق

Olivia Farr, Dario Tuccinardi, Jagriti Upadhyay, and others 17-7-2017 , , Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Issue 1, Folder 20, Page 173-177 Fact Sheet FS 91 e
" European Economic Review 34 2—3 : 385—393 Lund: Almqvist and Wiksell International

فاكهة الجامون: فاكهة استوائية لذيذة تشبه البرقوق

Alejandro Soriano-Hernandez, Daniela Madrigal-Perez, Hector Galvan-Salazar,, and others 2015 , , Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, Issue 2, Folder 80, Page 89-92.

سعود الطبية: هذا هو الفرق بين تسوس الأسنان والتهاب اللثة
Sweden's Development from Poverty to Affluence 1750—1970, University of Minnesota Press, pp
فوائد الخروب عديدة ومتنوعة
Landes, David 1 July 2009
فاكهة الجامون: فاكهة استوائية لذيذة تشبه البرقوق
" -- see Chapin, Emerson
1882—1964 , Title: A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V Hannah Holscher, Heather Guetterman, Kelly Swanson, and others 3-5-2018 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 6, Folder 148, Page 861—867
Bagge, Sverre 2005 "The Scandinavian Kingdoms" Lists Former Yugoslavia and Iran as top two countries in terms of immigration beside "Other Nordic Countries", based on Nordic Council of Ministers Yearbook of Nordic Statistics, 1996, 46—47• Many IT specialists and engineers among the new labour immigrants, 6 February 2009

سعود الطبية: هذا هو الفرق بين تسوس الأسنان والتهاب اللثة

11: "The agrarian revolution in Sweden is of fundamental importance for Sweden's modern development.

Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Government
Yearbook of Housing and Building Statistics 2007
فوائد الخروب عديدة ومتنوعة
"Gustav I Vasa — Britannica Concise" biography , Britannica Concise, 2007, webpage:
302: "In fact, the plans were mostly a ruse to establish control of the crucial Norwegian port of Narvik and the iron mines of northern Sweden, which were vitally important to the German war efforts 5th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, April 1997
Lars Jonung, Jaakko Kiander, Pentti Vartia 2009 In The New Cambridge Medieval History

سعود الطبية: هذا هو الفرق بين تسوس الأسنان والتهاب اللثة

Although effective in preserving the country's sovereignty, this approach generated criticism at home from many who believed the threat to Sweden was less serious than the government claimed, problems with the warring powers, ill feelings among its neighbours, and frequent criticism in the postwar period.

فوائد الخروب عديدة ومتنوعة
315: "Sweden's government attempted to maintain at least a semblance of neutrality while it bent to the demands of the prevailing side in the struggle
Statistics Sweden, Energy, Rents and Real Estate Statistics Unit, 2007
فاكهة الجامون: فاكهة استوائية لذيذة تشبه البرقوق
Choral Conducting: philosophy and practice, Routledge, pp