المعتزلة. المبحث السابع: انتشار مذهب المعتزلة

And you know that he is not like physical bodies, and that it is not possible for him to get up or down, move about, change, be composite, have a form, limbs and body members And you know that he was and is eternally all-powerful and that impotence is not possible for him
If this being is all-wise, then his very act of creation cannot be haphazard or in vain As the number of Muslims increased throughout the , and in reaction to the excesses of this newly imposed rationalism, theologians began to lose ground

المبحث السابع: انتشار مذهب المعتزلة

The persecution campaign, nonetheless, cost them their theology and generally, the sympathy of the Muslim masses in the Abbasid state.

المبحث الأول: تعريف المعتزلة لغةً واصطلاحاً
The accusations leveled against them by rival schools of theology that they gave absolute authority to extra-Islamic paradigms reflect more the fierce polemics between various schools of theology than any objective reality
36—37; taken from Abdur Rab, ibid, p
Theological Approaches to Quranic Exegesis: A Practical Comparative-Contrastive Analysis In the above quote, Justice 'Abd al-Jabbar emphatically mentioned that if there are two possible interpretations, both capable of resolving the apparent contradiction created by literal understanding of a verse, then the interpretation closer to the literal meaning should take precedence, for the relationship between the interpretations, close and distant, becomes the same as the literal understanding and the interpretation
, Kitab al-Intisar, Beirut, 1957, p Thus every immoral thing that happens in the world must be a human act, for God transcends doing immoral acts

تحميل كتاب المعتزلة زهدي جار الله pdf

Rationalism in Exegesis: A Study of the Problem of Metaphor in the Writing of the Mutazilites 4 ed.

المبحث الأول: تعريف المعتزلة لغةً واصطلاحاً
The school worked to resolve the theological "": how to reconcile the justice of an God with the reality of in the world, in accordance with the guidance of the Quran
Mu'tazilites reasoned that, since God is believed to be just and wise, and since he cannot command what is contrary to reason or act with disregard for the welfare of His creatures, evil must be regarded as something that stems from errors in human acts, arising from man's divinely bestowed
Promise and warning [ ] This comprised questions of the Last day, or in Arabic, the