سدك العقيق. فصل: باب الصّاد

by AHeyth, in his handwriting, as meaning Two roads that differ, each from the other ] applicable to males and to females: T, TA: or it is a sing
b2: Afterwards used unrestrictedly [as signifying assumed tropical: A partner in conversation, or discourse, at any time] dusky dirhems, as though smoke were issuing from them by reason of their duskiness: or dirhems of which the whiteness was fresh


] b2: tropical: Conversation, or discourse, by day.

تجربتي مع عيادات سدك للتجميل والليزر
] b8: The shade of the moon
b3: [Golius and Freytag add the meaning of A place of nocturnal confabulation; as from the K; a sense in which this word is not there found
تجربتي مع عملية ارتجاع المرئ
, of which the dim
: see the next preceding paragraph b2: Also A camel pasturing by night
b4: A people's assembling and holding conversation or discourse in the dark Due to the current circumstances, it may take us longer than usual to respond to any questions you send us


, and, like other sings.

تجربتي مع عملية ارتجاع المرئ
Night, darkness; shade of night
المزهر/النوع التاسع والثلاثون
It is said in a prov
فصل: باب الصّاد
, and therefore applicable as an epithet to a broken pl