صورة الروم. الإمبراطورية الرومانية

, Bisexuality in the Ancient World Yale University Press, 1992, 2002, originally published 1988 in Italian , p "Emperors and Popes in the Sixth Century: The Western View"
Report on the Dumbarton Oaks Symposium of 1961"

متن قرآن, سوره 30: الروم, آیه 1

Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

تفسيرسورة الروم
Perkins, Judith 2009 Early Christian and Judicial Bodies
تفسير ابن كثير/سورة الروم
The Byzantine Art of War
متن قرآن, سوره 30: الروم, آیه 1
2010 Murder Was Not a Crime: Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic
Bush, Douglas Earl; Kassel, Richard 2006 "The Vandal Conquest and Vandal Rule A
"The Army and the State" Albany, NY: State University of New York Press

سورة الروم

1993 "The Other World and the 'Antipodes': The Myth of Unknown Countries between Antiquity and the Renaissance," in The Classical Tradition and the Americas: European Images of the Americas.

مسك الروم الدرني
The Making of Byzantium, 600—1025
سبب نزول سورة الروم
In the form of legal marriage called conubium, the father's legal status determined the child's, but conubium required that both spouses be free citizens
صورة روم
Neubecker, Ottfried; Brooke-Little, John Philip 1997
136, on how Classical Roman ideology influenced Christian Imperial doctrine; Bang, Peter Fibiger 2011 "The King of Kings: Universal Hegemony, Imperial Power, and a New Comparative History of Rome," in The Roman Empire in Context: Historical and Comparative Perspectives Ancient Gades, in Roman Spain, and Patavium, in the Celtic north of Italy, were atypically wealthy cities, and having 500 equestrians in one city was unusual
The Osmanli Turks called their empire the Empire of Rum Rome "Size and Duration of Empires: Growth-Decline Curves, 600 B

الإمبراطورية الرومانية

A movable feast: ten millennia of food globalization.

تفسير المراغي/سورة الروم
Treggiari, Susan 1991 Roman Marriage: Iusti Coniuges from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian
سورة النور مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل
"Empire and City, Augustus to Julian: Obligations, Excuses and Status"
الإمبراطورية الرومانية
Byzantium, An Introduction to East Roman Civilization