كاكا فاكهة. كاكا فواكه بالانجليزي

Youn-Hwan Hwang, Hyunil Ha, Rajeong Kim, and others 13-7-2018 , , Nutrients, Issue 7, Folder 10, Page 901 Cytotoxic constituents from the stem bark of Diospyros cuneata Standl
Un Jung, Yong Park, Sang Kim, and others 8-11-2012 , , PLOS One, Issue 11, Folder 7, Page e49030 Kaikai Li, Fen Yao, Jing Du, and others 21-2-2018 , , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Issue 7, Folder 66, Page 1629-1637

ثلاث فواكه بدون نقاط

Comparative Contents of Dietary Fiber, Total Phenolics, and Minerals in Persimmons and Apples.

كاكي (فاكهة)
Nobuki Gato, Akio Kadowaki, Natsumi Hashimoto, and others 2013 , , Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Issue 1, Folder 62, Page 1-6
فوائد فاكهة الكاكا ....الخرما
Sultan, Mahwish Aziz, and others 4-5-2015 , , EXCLI Journal, Folder 14, Page 542—561
Kayoko Kawakami, Saiko Aketa, Hiroki Sakai, and others 2011 , , Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Issue 8, Folder 75, Page 1435-1439
Chemical structures of the condensed tannins in the fruits of Diospyros species

فوائد فاكهة الكاكا للجنس


ثلاث فواكه بدون نقاط
فوائد فاكهة الكاكا للجنس