تموز. أسطورة «تمّوز» بين الأساطير المشهورة

Who will plow my high field? Inanna, displeased, decrees that the demons shall take him, using language which echoes the speech Ereshkigal gave while condemning her Breitenberger, Barbara 2007 , , New York City, New York and London, England,• Who will plow my vulva? In the text known as The Most Bitter Cry, Dumuzid is chased by the "seven evil deputies of the netherworld" and, as he is running, he falls into a river
Tinney, Steve April 2018 , Woods, Christopher; Richardson, Seth; Osborne, James; El Shamsy, Ahmed eds When the story resumes, Inanna is being told that Dumuzid has been murdered


The bears strong similarities to the Sumerian love poems involving Inanna and Dumuzid, particularly in its usage of natural symbolism to represent the lovers' physicality.

أسطورة «تمّوز» بين الأساطير المشهورة
1987 , "Dying and Rising Gods", in Eliade, Mircea ed
The cult of Ishtar and Tammuz may have been introduced to the during the reign of and the contains numerous allusions to them
چله تموز
Another possible allusion to Tammuz occurs in : "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all
and mention "the Queen of Heaven", who is probably a syncretism of Inanna-Ishtar and the West Semitic goddess Inanna later regrets this decision and decrees that Dumuzid will spend half the year in the Underworld, but the other half of the year with her, while his sister Geshtinanna stays in the Underworld in his place, thus resulting in the cycle of the seasons
The women would then climb ladders to the roofs of their houses, where they would place the gardens out under the heat of the summer sun Ackerman, Susan 2006 [1989], Day, Peggy Lynne ed

معنی تموز

Since numerous lamentations over the death of Dumuzid had already been translated, scholars filled in the missing ending by assuming that the reason for Ishtar's descent was because she was going to resurrect Dumuzid and that the text could therefore be assumed to end with Tammuz's resurrection.

تموز (أسطورة)
1961 , , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press,• Milton, John; Kastan, David Scott 2005 , Paradise Lost Kastan Edition , Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc
تموز وعشتار.. الخصب والنضج
In a chart of antediluvian generations in Babylonian and Biblical traditions, associates Dumuzid with the composite half-man, half-fish counselor or culture hero An-Enlilda, and suggests an equivalence between Dumuzid and in the Genealogy given in chapter 5
معنی تموز
She tells him that "the day that dawns for you will also dawn for me; the day you see, I shall also see", referring to the fact that day in the world above is night in the Underworld