عباره عن الحب. خواطر حب قصيرة مزخرفة وأروع عبارات وكتابات مزخرفة رومانسية معبرة عن الاحساس

There is no good in a life that a person can live without a heart, and there is no good in a heart that beats with no love Love and vanity can not meet in the same heart
I did not fall in love but I walked at him steadily, I am not in love but I stand in love, and I want you with my full consciousness You are the most beautiful gift that this universe guided to me

عبارات عن الحب الأبدي

The problem in love is that the right man can find the right woman.

100 عبارة عن الحب
Your love makes me feel happy I have not lived before
عبارات عن الحب الأبدي
Love is safe and confident feeling with some one where you can be your nature with him
عبارة قصيرة عن الحب
I hope I can make you the happiest man in this world
A woman like a lamp that treated her gently will light your life, and if you treat her harshly, she will electrify your life Love is two people who laugh at the same things and feel sad at the same moment without a prior agreement
The heart that knew the meaning of love knew the meaning of life If you want to love, learn to sacrifice first

عبارات حب قصيرة , كلمات حب قوية وقصيرة


عبارات عن الحب قصيرة وممتعة تصف لهيب القلوب
All the words of love stand helpless before describing my feelings
أجمل عبارات صباح الحب رومانسية تهديها لشريك حياتك
Love is the only truth in life
خواطر حب قصيرة مزخرفة وأروع عبارات وكتابات مزخرفة رومانسية معبرة عن الاحساس
I want to wear your love,I want to enter into your vast space I do not want to enter into your golden cage
Love is the primitive feeling that exists in life without logic Meeting the one you love is what cures hearts
If you find true love, know that you have found life If you want others to love you, learn how to love yourself first

عبارات جميلة وقصيرة عن الحب

Always remember that you were born to love.

عبارات جميلة عن الحب : 100 عبارة مؤثرة
Do not look for love, love like fate comes without warning
كلام حب : أجمل 100 جملة عن الحب , كلمات وعبارات حب رومانسية
Do not go where your love takes you but take love where you are going
عبارات عن الحب قصيرة وممتعة تصف لهيب القلوب