جليب الطيبين. بروح للكويت

Thus, we must seek to achieve minimalist designs that reduce, lower, and remove — rather than add These practices were not popular, maybe due to the low cost of energy in the GCC countries
In addition to pressures on other amenities like schools, parks, and other social and commercial services Security: Obstacles brought on by this pandemic will occur in phases, and we are posed with various challenges — some concerned with safety and security

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This will lead us to design our home with high security awareness.

المهمشون والفقراء هم الاكثر تضررا والحكومة لا توفر الحصة التموينية
Maybe we have exaggerated the allocation of large areas for guest and reception rooms
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Finally, these are rough ideas and under development
تبــــديــل “جليب الشيوخ”
Reduce the cost of Infrastructure: Decision makers in Kuwait drifted toward allowing expanding houses sizes and facilities according to the current unsustainable model
Consequently, build homes that reach 1000 square meters of built-up area And now, privacy should be valued for all residents as a major source of comfort in the home
Which makes double the granted governmental housing loan Ease the pressure on utilities and services: When designing residential projects, planners and engineers build their assumptions on total foreseen population

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However, this quality was gradually lost.

المهمشون والفقراء هم الاكثر تضررا والحكومة لا توفر الحصة التموينية
Small: We must reconsider the size of our homes and seek to find satisfaction with our actual needs
المهمشون والفقراء هم الاكثر تضررا والحكومة لا توفر الحصة التموينية
Usually, this difference is covered through individual loans from local banks, which burdens households and makes an indebted society, which leads to negative social and economic problems
صور قديمة لجليب الشيوخ والحساوي .!
As individuals, we should examine our consumption habits and specifically evaluate the form of our dream home