منصة مستعد. ألصفحة الرئيسية :: DisBroker

Quix is an electronic platform to provide a variety of services to the customer, the most important of which is the delivery of restaurant orders, catering requests, and pharmacy requests, in addition to providing mediation between Quix customers and laundries, and companies specialized in cleaning homes and car cleaning, under contracts that set the relationship with suppliers who wish to display their products and services on the platform, and the platform also provides a special service for productive families by delivering their daily production to their regular and organized customers, in addition to facilitating the requests of the medium transport sector through the platform

Quix App


منصة مستعد وزارة الصحة الحصول على إجازة مرضية

ألصفحة الرئيسية :: DisBroker


Quix App