المركز الوطني للتعلم الإلكتروني. شرط وحيد للتقديم.. رابط تسجيل في وظائف المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني بالسعودية

In the same regard, a third course will be held for the second time in Japan
He added that one of the courses will be dedicated to a certificate of e-Learning to be held in USA, while other two courses will be organized for the third time in both Korea and Malaysia He stated that those workshops contain various perspectives including improving educational practical performance, illustrating best practices in e-Learning and distant Education in addition to discussing topics related to e-Learning and how to enrich world cooperation in this field

المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني

Riyadh, e-Media: Seeking to utilize foreign expertise, the National Center for e-Learning and Distant Education organizes in partnership with world houses in e-Learning a range of training courses in USA, Malaysia, Japan, and South Korea for 100 trainees from different Saudi Universities.

المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني
He confirmed that such workshops are envisioned to support infrastructure of e-Learning programs at Universities
المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني
Abdullah Bin Mohamed Al-Meqren, Advisor at the Ministry of Higher Education and Manager of the Center, said that the preliminary workshops were launched in America last Saturday where other 3 workshops will be concluded in Malaysia and Japan
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شرط وحيد للتقديم.. رابط تسجيل في وظائف المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني بالسعودية


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تفاصيل المنافسة
تفاصيل المنافسة

المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني


المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني
National Center for e
شرط وحيد للتقديم.. رابط تسجيل في وظائف المركز الوطني للتعليم الإلكتروني بالسعودية