لا تكن لطيفا أكثر من اللازم. كتاب لا تكن لطيفاً أكثر من اللازم PDF ديوك روبنسون

The second part of the book became not applicable to me so it didn't make such an impression on the personal level I read this book for the purposes of work in sales, I This book was a helpful and short book
A few of the topics it coves are trying to be perfect, taking on too much and not saying what you want The information the author offers, if you apply it, can change your life in so many satisfying ways

كتاب لا تكن لطيفاً أكثر من اللازم PDF ديوك روبنسون

The only thing that I wish he'd gone into a bit more was dealing with situations when someone was negative or made you angry.

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Negative, indirect Not, You ought to bring me flowers now and then
كتاب لا تكن لطيفاً أكثر من اللازم PDF ديوك روبنسون
To be aggressive is selfish
كتاب لا تكن لطيفا أكثر من اللازم
Cuz this is the only thing that should matter! It is so true that I got this in my family education
Assert yourself in a respectful way? "As nice people we have failed to distinguish between being aggressive and being assertive
The MOST helpful for me was the section on Assertive vs It's a way to stop being too good,,not stop being good!

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Simple effective ways to deal with your perfectionism, say "no" so you don't take on too much, express your anger, stop giving advice, support those in grief, stop trying to save others,tell others exactly what you want from them -- all in ways that leave you feeling good about yourself
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I have spent my life on other people, giving advice , being supportive etc
لا تكن لطيفاً أكثر من اللازم: كيف تتجنب تسعة أخطاء ضارة بك؟ by Duke Robinson
Can't recommend it too highly
I've put some of it in action already and I've noticed positive results
To be assertive expresses a healthy self-love

تحميل كتاب لا تكن لطيفا أكثر من اللازم

I smiled and felt understood, wondered why I became who I am today and appreciated how far I have come in becoming who I want to be.

لا تكن لطيفا أكثر من اللازم
Funny title, but sadly so true for many of us
ملخص كتاب لا تكن لطيفا أكثر من اللازم ... تعرف على اقتباسات من الكتاب ونبذة مختصرة عنه/
I have often been frustrated about the way people talk to me
لا تكن لطيفاً أكثر من اللازم: كيف تتجنب تسعة أخطاء ضارة بك؟ by Duke Robinson
No time you see as I made other people my project and once on that track , well now I can see the folly of trying to change things for other people