اللوز البجلي. ابرز فوائد اللوز البجلي

catappa is a good species for park and garden shade, and makes a good windbreak Arumugam Anand, Natarajan Divya, Pannerselvam Kotti 2015 , , Pharmacognosy reviews, Issue 18, Folder 9, Page 93-98
Chung Chen, Paul Milbury, Karen Lapsley And Others 1-6-2005 , , The journal of nutrition, Issue 6, Folder 135, Page 1366-1373 Soriano Hernandez, Madrigal Perez, Galvan Salazar And Others 2015 , , Gynecologic and obstetric investigation, Issue 2, Folder 80, Page 89-92

فوائد اللوز الهندي

catappa has a red, edible fruit, when fully ripe tasting like an almond.

العناية بأشجار اللوز (خدمة الأرض الري والتسميد)
For a tidy appearance, the leaf and fruit litter need to be removed regularly
متى تثمر شجرة اللوز البجلي — تتوزع ثمار شجرة اللوز في جميع جوانب
Dariush Shanehbandi, Habib Zarredar, Milad Asadi And Others 10-12-2019 , , Journal of Gastrointest Cancer, Page 1-7
فوائد اللوز الهندي
Subhashinee Wijeratne, Mamdouh Abou-Zaid, Fereidoon Shahidi 2006 , , The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Issue 2, Folder 54, Page 312-318
Plants are susceptible to termite attack; leaves may be attacked by various insects and larvae It prefers moist, well-drained, sandy and loamy soils, but is adapted to a wide range of substrates, including saline and alkaline sands over limestone
The yellowish, inconspicuous flowers with an unpleasant smell are produced on spikes

اللوز: تعرف على هذا الكنز الطبيعي والصحي

Hadeel Ali Ghazzawi, and Khalid Al-Ismail 2017 , , Journal of Food Quality, Edited.

The bark is grey-brown and vertically fissured; the tree has spreading, near-surface, fibrous roots
شراب اللوز البجلي.. مفعولٌ سحري على ذاكرة طفلك!
Elmar Wienecke, Claudia Nolden 2016 , "], MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, Issue 6, Folder 158, Page 12-16
ما هي فوائد اللوز
Xiaopeng Zhang, Guansheng Ma, Junshi Chen And Others 12-2007 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 12, Folder 137, Page 2717-2722