بوابه مقيم. التسجيل في خدمة مقيم عبر البوابة الإلكترونية من خلال رابط Muqeem

Hello, Vaccinated ONE dose of Pfizer on May 15th in Canada myself and my family hold valid iqama• However, Once you opened the link, you will see two options
Second Dose Date Select date when you got the second dose of Vaccine• Wish you good luck with your travel to Saudi Arabia My daughter is flying from US to Saudi Arabia on June 06 I have not taken any vaccine in India and came to Bahrain along with my family on 15th May

التسجيل في خدمة مقيم عبر البوابة الإلكترونية من خلال رابط Muqeem

Despite hours on the phone and numerous emails to MOH, I cannot get Tawakalna updated.

بوابة مقيم تسجيل اللقاح للزائر والمقيم المحصن وغير المحصن
Helps to facilitate their procedures on arrival—all formal operations for entering the Kingdom
بوابة مقيم تسجيل اللقاح للزائر والمقيم المحصن وغير المحصن
Arrived in Saudi on June 4th and returned directly to work as per Aramco guidelines
التسجيل فى مقيم
But presently I m in Saudi and fully vaccinated
Underwhich category I should fill the muqeem form
Vaccine Country Select country from where you get COVID-19 Vaccine• 2- The government health authorities must verify immunization certificates through the to the country Ministry of Health or an authorized health authority I shall be completing my 14 days quarantine period and 3 pcr tests on 29th May

الجوازات توضح خطوات خدمة طلب تقرير مقيم عبر بوابة مقيم الإلكترونية

Just make sure you take one dose of any other vaccine which is approved in Saudi Arabia.

بوابة مقيم للقادمين من الخارج لتسجيل المحصنين القادمين من الخارج
NAME As written on Passport• Hi, I am in the UK and have a flight booked to return to KSA
التسجيل فى مقيم
I understand that we still have to be in quarantine for one week, but will we be considerer immunized after some period automotically? Can I enter KSA and book new appointment for 2nd dose
موقع بوابة مقيم خدمة عملاء الخدمات الالكترونية Muqeem
I m planning to return after 30 June thru another country 14 days quarantine
This will automatically update the medical health record of that particular person Note that i am a Saudi resident• First Dose Date Select date when you got the first dose of Vaccine• I got my first vaccine dose of Oxford Astra-Zeneca on March 25th, 2021 in KSA and second dose on May 29th, 2021 in UK
This app further helps to complete the admission process for all entrances to the Kingdom 5- Entering information 72 hours before departure from the Kingdom

خدمة مقيم

3- The period between receiving the last dose second dose of two doses of Vaccine or the first dose of the same dose of Vaccine and going to the Kingdom should not be less than 14 days.

الجوازات توضح خطوات خدمة طلب تقرير مقيم عبر بوابة مقيم الإلكترونية
Arrival Destination in KSA Select Arrival Airport• GACA has issued a circular to all airlines regarding the registration of arriving immunization passengers
السعودية: 7 شروط للتسجيل على بوابة (مقيم) للأجانب القادمين الحاصلين على لقاح كورونا
Doublechecked expiry on Absher, and it is correct
التسجيل في خدمة مقيم عبر البوابة الإلكترونية من خلال رابط Muqeem
Moreover, The service comes with the participation of various agencies Ministry of Interior, GACA, Saudi Data, and Artificial Intelligence Authority, Ministry of Health, Elm Company