زيادة فيتامين د. أبرزها أعراض زيادة فيتامين د

Adit Ginde, Jonathan Mansbach, Carlos Camargo 23-2-2009 , , Archives of internal medicine, Issue 4, Folder 169, Page 384-390 Ecemis GC, Atmaca A 19-3-2013 , , Journal of endocrinological investigation, Issue 8, Folder 36, Page 622-627
Shu Wei 12-2014 , , Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Issue 6, Folder 26, Page 438-447 Mary Byrn, William Adams, Mary Emanuele, And Others 7-9-2017 , , Journal of Diabetes Research, Issue -, Folder 2017, Page 11

أبرزها أعراض زيادة فيتامين د

Cedric Garland, ,Frank Garland, Edward Gorham, and others 2006 , , American Journal of Public Health, Issue 2, Folder 96, Page 252-261.

11 أثر لزيادة فيتامين د في الجسم
Abnet CC, Chen W, Dawsey SM, Wei WQ, Roth MJ, Liu B, Lu N, Taylor PR, Qiao YL September 2007
11 أثر لزيادة فيتامين د في الجسم
Jie Ding, Peter Kwan, Zengshuan Ma, and others 9-2016 , , Burns, Issue 6, Folder 42, Page 1277-1286
كيفية زيادة فيتامين د في جسم الإنسان
"Comparison between the protective effects of vitamin K and vitamin A on the modulation of hypervitaminosis D3 short-term toxicity in adult albino rats"
, Scientific Impact Paper, 2014, Issue 43, Page 1-11
Seong-Hwan Moon, Seok Woo Kim, Hak-Sun Kim, and others 3-2013 , , pain physician journal, Issue 2, Folder 16, Page 165-176 Sanjay Prakash, Nivedita Mehta, Ajay Dabhi, and others 13-5-2010 , , The journal of headache and pain, Issue 4, Folder 11, Page 301-307

زيادة فيتامين د الأسباب

Michos Erin, Melamed, Michal 1-2008 , , Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, Issue 1, Folder 11, Page 7-12.

زيادة فيتامين د الأسباب
John Lee, James O'Keefe, David Bell And Others 9-12-2008 , , Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Issue 24, Folder 52, Page 1949-1956
أضرار زيادة فيتامين د في الجسم
Parjeet Kaur, Sunil Kumar Mishra, Ambrish Mithal 3-6-2015 , , Clinical Endocrinology, Issue 3, Folder 83, Page 327-331
علامات تدل على زيادة استهلاك فيتامين د
Najar And Others 18-12-2017 , , SAUDI JOURNAL KIDNEY DISEASE TRANSPLANTATION, Issue 6, Folder 28, Page 1321-1329