هل اتى على الانسان حين من الدهر. تفسير ابن كثير/سورة الإنسان

Then a time came in it when a species called Man was created, and in the same period a time has passed on every person when a beginning was made to bring him into existence from nothingness Atau bila yang dimaksud dengan manusia adalah jenis manusia selain dia, maka yang dimaksud dengan lafal Al-Hiin atau masa ialah masa mengandung, jadi bukan empat puluh tahun
Now both have been observed by means of powerful microscopes but even now no one can say how much of man exists in the father's germ and how much in the mother's ovum Accordingly, they interpret this sentence to mean; "No doubt, there has indeed passed on man a time

هَلْ أَتَىٰ عَلَى الْإِنسَانِ حِينٌ مِّنَ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُن شَيْئًا مَّذْكُورًا

The interrogative sentence in the verse before us illustrates this last meaning.

[1] قوله تعالى: {هَلْ أَتَى عَلَى الإنْسَانِ حِينٌ مِنَ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُنْ شَيْئًا مَذْكُورًا} الآية:1
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 人确实经历一个时期,不是一件可以记念的事物。 " But, in fact, the word hal in Arabic is used only as an interrogative particle, and its object is not to ask a question in every case, but this apparently interrogative particle is used in different meanings on different occasions
تفسير ابن كثير/سورة الإنسان
For example, sometimes, in order to find out whether a certain incident has taken place or not, we ask: "Has this thing happened?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم هل أتى على الإنسان حين من الدهر لم يكن شيئا مذكورا
And sometimes we do not intend to have something just affirmed but we put a question in order to make the addressee pay particular attention to something which follows his affirmation as a sequel
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Bukankah telah datang atas manusia satu waktu dari masa sedang dia ketika itu belum merupakan sesuatu yang dapat disebut• English - Sahih International : Has there [not] come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing [even] mentioned• " Sometimes we do not mean to ask a question but to deny something and we express the denial, thus: "Can any other also do this? " Sometimes we want somebody to affirm something and so ask him: "Have I paid what was due to you? What is meant to be said is that in this immensely long span of time there has passed g long period when human race was altogether non-existent For example, we ask someone: "Have I harmed you in any way'? This is the meaning of the sentence that at that tithe he was not yet a thing worthy of any mention although a beginning of his being as a man had been made
The third sentence, "when he was not yet a thing worthy of mention" implies that a part of him existed in the form of a microscopic gene in the sperm drop of the father and a part in the form of a microscopic ovum in the mother 'i ne object is not only to make man affirm that there has indeed passed on him such a period of time but also to make him think that the God Who developed and shaped him into a perfect man from an insignificant, humble beginning, would not be helpless to create him once again

هل أتى على الإنسان حين من الدهر لم يكن شيئا مذكورا

Melayu - Basmeih : Bukankah telah berlalu kepada manusia satu ketika dari masa yang beredar sedang ia masih belum wujud lagi dan tidak menjadi sesuatu benda yang disebutsebut maka mengapa kaum musyrik itu mengingkari hari akhirat• For long ages man did not even know that he comes into being when the sperm gene and the ovum combine.

تفسير قوله تعالى : ( هل أتى على الإنسان حين من الدهر لم يكن شيئا مذكورا )
Then, the initial cell that comes into being by the combination of the two at the time of conception is such an insignificant thing that it can be seen only through highly powerful microscopes and seeing it also no one at first sight can claim that it is a man taking shape, nor that even if a man emerges from this humble beginning, what will be his size and stature, what will be his form and figure, and what will be his capabilities and personality like
هَلْ أَتَىٰ عَلَى الْإِنسَانِ حِينٌ مِّنَ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُن شَيْئًا مَّذْكُورًا
Somali - Abduh : Dhab ahaan waxaa dadka soo maray waqti wax la sheego uusan ahayn uusan jirin• " The object is not only to make him affirm that one has not done him any harm, but also to make him think how far one is justified to harm somebody who has not harmed him in any way
تفسير قوله تعالى : ( هل أتى على الإنسان حين من الدهر لم يكن شيئا مذكورا )
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Hakika kilimpitia binaadamu kipindi katika zama ambacho kwamba hakuwa kitu kinacho tajwa• In the second sentence, hin um-min ad-dahr the word dahr implies the endless time, the beginning and end of which are unknown to tnan and hin is the particular period of tune which might at some time have passed during this endless period