השוטרים פרק 5. השוטרים

1 b with a treaty first nation, or an agreement referred to in section 66 We cannot respond to questions regarding the law
2 The public service plan as defined in section 1 1 of the applies to the police complaint commissioner 3 The costs of an investigation ordered by the minister or the director under subsection 1 must be paid by the Minister of Finance from the consolidated revenue fund


Novel tech ultimately serves to reinforce old divisions—such as those between managers and patrol officers—even as it creates new distinctions within the Los Angeles Police Department LAPD.

השוטר הטוב עונה 3 פרק 5 לצפייה ישירה
Delegation 45 1 The director may authorize one or more of the director's employees to exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the director under sections 40 and 42 to 44
2 The chief civilian director must a exercise powers and perform duties assigned to the chief civilian director under and in accordance with this Act and any other enactment, and b ensure compliance with the director's standards as they relate to the independent investigations office
השוטר הטוב עונה 3 פרק 5 לצפייה ישירה
1 1 If the director considers that a designated policing unit, its board or its designated constables, or a designated law enforcement unit, its board or its enforcement officers, are not complying with this Act, the regulations or the director's standards, the director must send a notice to the board that a identifies the non-compliance, b identifies the entity on behalf of which the designated policing unit or designated law enforcement unit was established, c directs the entity to correct the failure to comply, and d specifies the manner in which and the time within which the failure is to be corrected
1 7 ; "designated policing unit" means a designated policing unit established under section 4 1Before beginning to exercise powers and perform duties under this Act, the police complaint commissioner and any acting police complaint commissioner must take an oath before the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly a to faithfully and impartially exercise those powers and perform those duties, and b not to divulge any information received under this Act, except as permitted under this Act
3 If the Legislative Assembly is not sitting and is not scheduled to sit within 5 days, the committee, by unanimous resolution, may suspend the police complaint commissioner for cause or incapacity, with or without salary, for a period that must be set by the committee to end not later than on the expiry of a further 20 sitting days of the Legislative Assembly 4 The write off of an amount under subsection 2 does not a relieve the holder or occupier of the affected land from liability for police taxes, or b prejudice the right of the government to collect from that holder or occupier the amount written off


3 The entity referred to in subsection 1 must pay all costs of policing and law enforcement incurred under subsection 2.

5 Before providing copies of the records, information and reports referred to in subsection 3 a , the director may sever any portions that must or may be excepted from disclosure by the head of a public body under Division 2 of Part 2 of the
פקודת המשטרה [נוסח חדש],
2 In the absence or inability of the chair to act, the other committee members must elect a chair
2 For the purposes of the application of the to subsection 1 of this section, the police complaint commissioner is a deputy minister