اجزاء الدماغ. أي جزء من الدماغ يتحكم في الكلام: عدة أجزاء من المخ

"Functional Neuroanatomy of Emotion: A Meta-Analysis of Emotion Activation Studies in PET and fMRI" Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Sampaio-Baptista, C; Johansen-Berg, H December 20, 2017 Elsevier's Integrated Anatomy and Embryology

وظيفة الدماغ والدماغ البشري، وظائف الدماغ

, 2013; Lee et al.

بنية ووظائف الدماغ
Their analysis took advantage of the substantiated hypothesis that glymphatic function is promoted during sleep Xie et al
أجزاء الدماغ
"The life and career of Paul MacLean"
أجزاء الدماغ
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
By measuring the lactate concentration in the brains and cervical lymph nodes of awake and sleeping mice, Lundgaard et al
"A tension-based theory of morphogenesis and compact wiring in the central nervous system" ; Liberzon, l June 1, 2002

لأجزاء الثلاثة الرئيسة للدماغ

MCT1 and MCT4 have also been associated with the transport of short chain fatty acids such as acetate and formate which are then metabolized in the astrocytes [78].

اجزاء الدماغ worksheet
Nieuwenhuys, Rudolf; ten Donkelaar, Hans J
أجزاء الدماغ ووظائفها
Except for the fundamental process of GLUT4 translocation, [muscle glucose uptake MGU ] is controlled differently with exercise and insulin
ورم الدماغ
"Resting state fMRI: a personal history"
, 2015; Liu et al Elliott, Kosha Rupare, Hakon Hakonarson, Raquel E
Their analysis took advantage of the substantiated hypothesis that glymphatic function is promoted during sleep Xie et al The Journal of Comparative Neurology

أجزاء الدماغ

Insular Cortex: Structural and Functional Neuroanatomy.

أجزاء الدماغ ووظائفها
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
أجزاء المخ ووظائفها
"Normal Organ Weights in Men"
دماغ بشري
Holtz, Anders; Levi, Richard July 20, 2010