سودان تربيون. سودان تربيون

The South Sudanese government rejects the formation of the Abyei joint administration and calls for holding a referendum without the participation of the Misseriya nomads, saying Abyei is not their home area
In March, the East African nation received 132,000 doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca On Monday 26 April, the Security Council is expected to discuss a report on Abyei by the Secretary-General

سودان تربيون : Sudan Tribune

Mainly Egypt sees it as.

Sudan, South Sudan disagree on UNISFA exit
In line with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005, Abyei residents should vote in a referendum to determine if they want to remain in Sudan or to join South Sudan
Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
Sudan wants to use this period to establish the joint administration agreed by the two parties in a deal struck by the Sudanese government and the SPLM on 20 June 2011, he further said
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2021-07-12 05:49:37 By Mahmoud A Sudan "therefore would be in favour of a mandate renewal for UNISFA which would also enable the parties in the meantime to hold consultations with the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development on successor arrangements"
2019-09-09 09:26:41 UNDP Sudan September 5, 2019 KHARTOUM - An agreement was signed on 5th of September between the Korean Ambassador, His Excellency In his letter of 1 April to the Security Council, Guterres said Ethiopia believed that South Sudan was "comfortable with the presence of Ethiopian troops" in Abyei

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On 27 June 2011, the Security Council authorized the deployment of over 4000 Ethiopian troops under the UN flag following bloody violence and displacement of civilians ahead of South Sudan independence in July 2011.

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However, Ethiopia alluded that any reduction of its troops deployed in Abyei may put their security at risk and force Addis Ababa to end its participation in the UNISFA
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Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
"For Ethiopia, a reduction in the troop level of UNISFA, combined with a lack of cooperation by Sudan, would prevent UNISFA from fully implementing its mandate," said the secretary-general Suleiman This article of a compilation of related topics comes against the backdrop of a number of issues relating to the Republic of South Sudan that was declared its inauguration
He also said that Ethiopia considers the presence of its troops prevents conflict between Sudan and South Sudan and therefore ensure "security for Ethiopia as well, as such a conflict would have repercussions for Ethiopia and the wider region"

سودان تربيون

In a letter to the 15-member council on 1 April seen by the Sudan Tribune, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Sudan, South Sudan have different positions on the exit of the mission.

Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
Tesfaye Abera The completion of the second-year filling of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam GERD instigates polarized views between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt
Sudan, South Sudan disagree on UNISFA exit
"The Sudan indicated that a responsible drawdown of UNISFA could be considered immediately but should proceed gradually over a one-year period," said Guterres in his letter
سودان تربيون
"A further reduction of forces, in its view, would put the remaining troops of UNISFA at risk and lead Ethiopia to withdraw them from the operation for their own safety," he stressed