مثنى وثلاث. سورة النساء

It is in this context that the Muslims are told that if they fear they will not be able to do justice to the orphan girls, then they should marry other girls whom they like A person who avails himself of this permission granted by God to have a plurality of wives, and disregards the condition laid down by God to treat them equitably has not acted in good faith with God
Those who consider it an evil in itself may certainly denounce it in disregard of the Qur'an and may even argue for its abolition Jubayr, Qatadah and some other commentators say that while the Arabs of the Jahiliyah period did not approve of subjecting orphans to wrong, they had no concept of justice and equity with regard to women

سورة النساء

Since it was widely practised at that time, however, Islam confined itself to placing restrictions on it.

مثنى وثلاث ورباع
The Prophet peace be on him ordered him to divorce one of them
موقع هدى القرآن الإلكتروني
In the first place they should never marry more than four, and of those four, they should marry only as many as they can treat fairly
موقع هدى القرآن الإلكتروني
This verse stipulates that marrying more wives than one is permissible on the condition that one treats his wives equitably
Some people who have been overwhelmed and overawed by the Christianized outlook of Westerners have tried to prove that the real aim of the Qur'an was to put an end to polygamy which, in their opinion, is intrinsically evil This conclusion is also supported by traditions
This interpretation seems to be supported by verse 127 of this surah The Prophet peace be on him ordered him to keep only four wives and divorce the rest

سورة النساء

Such arguments only show the mental slavery to which these people have succumbed.

الجمع بين آية التعدد وبين قوله تعالى: (وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَعْدِلُوا)
In case there are complaints from wives that they are not being treated equitably, the Islamic state has the right to intervene and redress such grievances
موقع هدى القرآن الإلكتروني
ii The second view is that of Ibn 'Abbas and his disciple 'Ikrimah who expressed the opinion that in the Jahiliyah period there was no limit on the number of wives a man could take
القرآن الكريم
It is in this context that people are told that if they fear perpetrating wrongs on orphans they ought to be equally worried about perpetrating them on women The result was that a man sometimes married as many as ten women and, when expenses increased because of a large family, he encroached on the rights either of his orphan nephews or other relatives
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na ikiwa mnaogopa kuwa hamtowafanyia mayatima uadilifu basi oeni mnao wapenda katika wanawake wawili au watatu au wane na mkiogopa kuwa hamwezi kufanya uadilifu basi mmoja tu au wale ambao mikono yenu ya kulia imewamiliki Kufanya hivi ndiko kutapelekea msikithirishe wana• kemudian jika kamu tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara mereka dalam giliran dan pembagian nafkah maka hendaklah seorang saja yang kamu kawini atau hendaklah kamu batasi pada hamba sahaya yang menjadi milikmu karena mereka tidak mempunyai hak-hak sebagaimana istri-istri lainnya Muslim jurists are agreed that according to this verse the maximum number Of wives has been fixed at four

سورة النساء

That polygamy is an evil per se is an unacceptable proposition, for under certain conditions it becomes a moral and social necessity.

للرجل مثنى وثلاث ورباع.. ومَن يدفع الثمن؟
They married as many women as they wanted and then subjected them to injustice and oppression
مثنى وثلاث ورباع
Each of the three interpretations is plausible and all three may possibly be correct
الجمع بين آية التعدد وبين قوله تعالى: (وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَعْدِلُوا)
It was in this context that God fixed the limit of four wives and instructed the Muslims that they may marry up to four wives providing they possessed the capacity to treat them equitably