تاسيس المملكة السعودية. شبكة وناسة تايم

: , The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, 2009 8 1 David Murphy, Illustrated by Peter Dennis , The Arab Revolt 1916-18: Lawrence Sets Arabia Ablaze, Osprey Publishing, 2008, p
Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002 The History of Saudi Arabia

تاريخ تأسيس دولة السعودية

Abdullah Mohammad Sindi, The Direct Instruments of Western Control over the Arabs: The Shining Example of the House of Saud• Bandar Salman Al Saud 1997.

متى تأسست المملكة العربية السعودية
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
تعرف على وزراء مالية السعودية منذ تأسيس المملكة
The History of Saudi Arabia
تاريخ تأسيس دولة السعودية
Rank and file Ikhwan fighters formed units in a new military institution, initially the White Army, eventually the National Guard
Arabia Unified: A Portrait of Ibn Saud New York: Cambridge University Press
Lacey observes, "Forty is the number which bedouin often pick upon when they wish to describe a smallish body of men, and forty is the number of companions which Abdul Aziz is said to have had with him when he left Kuwait in September 1901 Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002

مراحل توحيد المملكة العربية السعودية

A timeline of the arabs.

تاريخ السعودية
شبكة وناسة تايم
British Relations with Trans-Jordan, 1920—1930
تعرف على وزراء مالية السعودية منذ تأسيس المملكة
Peoples Of All Nations: Their Life Today And Story Of Their Past in 14 Volumes