كساندرا. كساندرا

" Other examples [ ] There are examples of the Cassandra metaphor being applied in the contexts of , the media, to feminist perspectives on reality, and in politics Those who support the new vision are termed "Cassandras"—able to see what is going to happen, but not believed
" Laurie Layton Schapira [ ] In a 1988 study, analyst Laurie Layton Schapira explored what she called the "Cassandra complex" in the lives of two of her analysands The Apollo archetype favors thinking over feeling, distance over closeness, objective assessment over subjective intuition


Cassandra as moral conscience, "predicts ill to come and warns that punishment will follow and grief arise.

أبطال المسلسل الشهير شاهد كيف أصبحوا بعد سنوات طويلة على عرضه!
Painting of Cassandra by The Cassandra metaphor variously labeled the Cassandra " syndrome", " complex", " phenomenon", " predicament", " dilemma", " curse" relates to a person whose valid warnings or concerns are disbelieved by others
, Cassandra's Lyre song on album Believing Cassandra 2000• Jean Shinoda Bolen, Gods in Everyman: A New Psychology of Men's Lives and Loves 1989• Only The Paranoid Survive 1999• He prefers to access or judge the situation or the person from a distance, not knowing that he must "get close up"—be vulnerable and empathic—in order to truly know someone else
المسلسلات المكسيكية واللاتينية القديمة الشهيرة
dysfunctional relationships with the "",• 103—123 in Success in Sight: Visioning 1998• , Women Imagine Change: A Global Anthology of Women's Resistance From 600 B
Jean Shinoda Bolen [ ] In 1989, , Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the , published an essay on the god Apollo in which she detailed a psychological profile of the "Cassandra woman" whom she suggested referred to someone suffering—as happened in the mythological relationship between Cassandra and Apollo—a dysfunctional relationship with an "Apollo man Individuals sometimes acquire the label of 'Cassandras', whose warnings of impending environmental disaster are disbelieved or mocked

كاساندرا (مسلسل)

she may become increasingly irrational or hysterical.

Cassandra (metaphor)
, Contemporary IMRT: Developing Physics and Clinical Implementation, p
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Sometimes the name Cassandra is applied to those who can predict rises, falls, and particularly crashes on the global , as happened with , who repeatedly warned that the 1990s stock market surge was a , attracting to him the title of the "Wall Street Cassandra"
According to Bolen, the archetypes of Cassandra and Apollo are not gender-specific
Klein's use of the metaphor centers on the moral nature of certain predictions, which tends to evoke in others "a refusal to believe what at the same time they know to be true, and expresses the universal tendency toward denial, [with] denial being a potent defence against persecutory anxiety and guilt
The intellectual specialization of this archetype creates emotional distance and can predispose relationships to a lack of emotional reciprocity and consequent dysfunctions , Envy and Gratitude- And Other Works 1946—1963, p


The five-part song "Cassandra Gemini" may reference this syndrome, as well as the film or in 's "Cassandra Syndrome".

هل تذكرون بطلة مسلسل .. شاهدوا كيف أصبح شكلها
, New Monologues For Women By Women — Vol II 2005• Worse, Cassandra's dilemma has seemed to grow more inescapable even as the chorus of Cassandras has grown larger
أبطال المسلسل الشهير شاهد كيف أصبحوا بعد سنوات طويلة على عرضه!
, My Country Right or Left p
المسلسلات المكسيكية واللاتينية القديمة الشهيرة