اطباء العصر مكة. مجمع أطباء العصر

Cosman, Madeleine Pelner; Jones, Linda Gale Campbell, Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages, p
"Egypt and Early Arab Nationalism" in Rashid Kakhlidi, ed ; Gurkan, Cemal; Dogan, Mustafa; Balkaya, Hasan Emin; Dogan, Serkan; Neophytou, Pavlos I

رابطة أدباء الشام

], Mahra , Khushayn, Djarm, 'Udhra [q.

رابطة أدباء الشام
Website We include a set of diagrams with every profile: UBO Explorer and network diagrams
أفضل 8 أطباء أسنان بمكة
"The Earliest Hospitals in Byzantium, Western Europe, and Islam"
مختبرات البرج الطبية ( جميع الفروع )
total population 450 million, estimates an Arab population of 450 million, see article text
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science Arabic As a Minority Language By Jonathan Owens, pg
Riverside Dictionary Of Biography, Houghton-Mifflin, London 2004: p603 Derenko, Miroslava; Malyarchuk, Boris; Denisova, Galina; Perkova, Maria; Litvinov, Andrey; Grzybowski, Tomasz; Dambueva, Irina; Skonieczna, Katarzyna; Rogalla, Urszula 2014


Gerrit Bos, Ibn al-Jazzar, Risala fi l-isyan Treatise on forgetfulness , London, 1995• Handbook to life in the medieval world.

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