كلية الاتصال والاعلام. كلية علوم الإتصال والإعلام

New media in the various groups of society despite the existence of traditional media, especially since the new media is a free media free from restrictions and censorship, unlike traditional media, where all individuals can spread their ideas and express their views with absolute freedom and from various identities that transcend the boundaries of a single state and transcend barriers of time and space Abstract: Modern information and communication technologies have changed all aspects of life, and have affected in an unprecedented way the activities of individuals and groups, so that dealing with new media has become a reality and inevitable, and new media has become the most important and fastest means for the flow of information, obtaining it in all directions, and even producing it in this era
Key words: media, traditional media, new media

كلية الاتصال والإعلام


كلية الاتصال والإعلام
كلية اللغة والاعلام
بكالوريوس الاتصال وتقنية الإعلام

جامعة طيبة


كلية علوم الإتصال والإعلام
كلية الاتصال والإعلام
بكالوريوس الاتصال وتقنية الإعلام