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When you subscribe to an Independent Cloud Product, including Bluvalt Products, on the Marketplace you acknowledge and agree that you will be entering into a contract directly with the Cloud Service Provider who is offering the relevant Independent Cloud Product To the extent required by the Applicable Laws, we agree to defend, indemnify and hold you harmless from all costs, expenses and damages suffered by you in connection with any direct claim that your use of an STC Cloud Product, as expressly permitted by these Terms of Use or the associated STC Cloud Product terms and conditions infringes any third party Intellectual Property Rights
Once executed the End Customer Agreement shall incorporate these Terms of Use and shall be non-cancellable other than in accordance with the terms of our Agreement Any amendments to your Cloud Account Credit Limit must be made in accordance with the applicable STC Cloud Policies

STC Cloud

You acknowledge and agree that any Cloud Account Credit Limit extended to you in connection with your subscription to Cloud Products, shall be subject to the overall credit limit set by STC Cloud.

STC Cloud
The ITCC Data center is the most advanced data center in the region featuring the most advanced technologies
These Terms of Use, the STC Cloud Policies and all other terms and conditions and documents referred to herein govern your use of the Marketplace and are designed to protect you and us
SLA means a service level agreement incorporated in the terms and conditions for an STC Cloud Product
We reserve the right to withdraw this licence at any time by notice on the Marketplace "including", "include", "in particular" or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding those terms; and• Termination or expiry of our Agreement for any reason will:• The product specification may specify the technical capabilities of the Cloud Product and may limit the scope of the Cloud Product's performance
Please note that in order to cooperate with governmental requests, summons or court orders, or to protect other Users or our systems, we reserve the right to disclose any information we consider necessary or appropriate, including your user profile information ie name, email address, etc Except as expressly prohibited by STC Cloud or a Cloud Service Provider in the applicable terms and conditions, you may make copies of the Cloud Products to the extent reasonably necessary for the following purposes: back-up, mirroring and similar availability enhancement techniques , security and disaster recovery


Changes are binding on users of the Marketplace and will take effect immediately from posting of the revised documentation on the Marketplace.

STC Cloud
In the event that any of the limitations applicable to a Cloud Product are exceeded you acknowledge that additional fees may be payable and you shall be responsible for accounting to STC Cloud without delay for the extent of use of the Cloud Product in excess of the specified limits, which may include an additional administration fee to compensate STC Cloud for the unauthorised use
You are responsible for all activities that occur in connection with your Cloud Account or any Access Details provided in connection with your account, regardless of whether those activities are carried out by you, your employees or any third party
STC Cloud
Applicable Laws means all applicable laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, decrees, rules, regulations, municipal by-laws, judgments, orders, decisions, rulings or awards of any government or any government agency or department of competent jurisdiction, including those of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ITCC has a wide variety of secure access control mechanisms including CCTV, fire alarm, security guards, biometrics, etc Abdul Moid Hi, Unknowingly, my sim locked when i kept it for charging
Taxes means any taxes, duties or similar charges including sales tax or withholding tax assessable in any jurisdiction whatsoever Authorised Users means those individuals whether employees, contractors or end users who are designated by you from time to time as being permitted to access and use a particular Cloud Product on behalf of you


A pre-paid telecoms account; or• Through the Marketplace we aim to provide you with a fast and effective means to subscribe to cloud services.

The Marketplace will automatically assign a Cloud Account Credit Limit to your Cloud Account which will be communicated to you via the Marketplace
You acknowledge that due to a time delay between your subscription to or use of a Cloud Product and the date of invoicing, there may not be an exact correlation between the information displayed on your dashboard and the information displayed on your printed STC Cloud invoice at any given point in time
Use of your Cloud Account