شكل فرعون. ما أصل الفراعنة

von Zabern, Mainz 1997, S Translations and in the 1999 volume below notes on all contemporary royal inscriptions naming the king
Mark Lehner: Geheimnis der Pyramiden And those who inherited the Book the Bible from them are in great suspicion of it

جثة فرعون الحقيقية في المتحف المصري

14-15] They only disbanded after they received knowledge of their Bible fallaciously among them.

كيف كان شكل فرعون؟
Mark Lehner: Geheimnis der Pyramiden
كم طول فرعون الحقيقي
And if it were not a word from your Lord [Allah] that postponed it to a later date, it would have been all settled among them then
كم طول فرعون الحقيقي
Therefore call them to the Quran and straighten your ways as you are ordered and don't follow their passions and say: "I believe in what Allah revealed of the Book The Quran and I was ordered to be just among you both Christians and Jews ; Allah is our Lord and your Lord, we have our actions and you have your actions, no argument between us and you, Allah brings us together and to Him we are all destined
On the Reliability of the Old Testament This is how We [Allah] appealed to each people its own actions; then they will be brought back to their Lord [Allah] who will inform them of what they have been doing
nl, zuletzt abgerufen am 25 Volume 2: Ramesses II; Royal Inscriptions

صور جثة فرعون الحقيقيه

New York: Thames and Hudson.

آسية بنت مزاحم
" To Muslims [Quran 6
فرعون في القرآن
Eerdmans Publishing Company, ISBN 0-8028-4960-1
ما أصل الفراعنة
Tyldesley, Joyce October 30, 2001
This is an English language treatment of the life of Ramesses II at a semi-popular level• Volume 2: Ramesses II; Royal Inscriptions Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt
The Near East in the Southwest: Essays in Honor of William G von Zabern, Mainz 1997, , S

كيف كان شكل فرعون؟

Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant, 1300-1185 BC.

غيث فرعون
Mark Lehner: Geheimnis der Pyramiden
108] Do not curse those who call to worship other than Allah, so that they don't curse Allah out of spite and ignorance
آسية بنت مزاحم
Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Translations