متى نستخدم in on at. سؤال: متى استخدم أو ومتى استخدم أم ؟

there is a nice picture on the wall• — We heard the news on the radio Mine is ON October 12
e 4 Ahmed likes to take a nap ……… Bill arrived in New York February 7

متى نستخدم ادوات التعريف the an a؟


شرح قاعدة in on at حروف الجر prepositions بشكل سهل
سؤال: متى استخدم أو ومتى استخدم أم ؟
Noha go to the cinema on Friday
In, At, On + Time or Date
The play is Saturday noon
— Have you ever crossed the equator? he is at a restaurant• We are looking at the menu• Ali was standing on my foot• When do you eat lunch? Physics — Do you speak English? E Arab Republic of Egypt Ali is waiting for us at the bus stop• — I usually watch TV in the evening
— The money I found we are on the way to the mall• — I watch television a lot

In, At, On + Time or Date

— I went to the school to see my son.

متى تستخدم ...(on) .. (in).. (at)
I saw a witch midnight Saturday October 31 1998
متى تستخدم ...(on) .. (in).. (at)
Do you know which preposition to use before times, days, months and years? I love to see the flowers the spring
متى نستخدم is و are في السؤال شرح سهل مع امثلة
Her birthday is October the fall
When does the school year begin in your country? I usually eat it AT noon
, At 4:01, At noon Remember also The movie starts 7:30 the evening

متى أستخدم Saw ومتى أستخدم Seen؟

— The supper we had.

متى تستخدم ...(on) .. (in).. (at)
southern — Alex lies northern Egypt
a و an و the والفرق بينهم وشرحهم بالتفصيل
— My son goes to school every day
متى تستخدم ...(on) .. (in).. (at)