هرم رباعي. هرم رباعي القاعدة

that also includes a description of a "rotating ring of tetrahedra", also known as a This applies for each of the four choices of the base, so the distances from the apexes to the opposite faces are inversely proportional to the areas of these faces
The of a regular tetrahedron correspond to half of those of a cube: those that map the tetrahedra to themselves, and not to each other Application of a tetrahedral structure to create resilient partial-mesh data network• Unlike the case of the other Platonic solids, all the vertices of a regular tetrahedron are equidistant from each other they are the only possible arrangement of four equidistant points in 3-dimensional space

فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي قائم بمعلومية ارتفاعه وطول ضلع قاعدته

A regular tetrahedron can be embedded inside a in two ways such that each vertex is a vertex of the cube, and each edge is a diagonal of one of the cube's faces.

فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي قائم بمعلومية ارتفاعه وطول ضلع قاعدته
A truncation process applied to the tetrahedron produces a series of
فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي منتظم بمعلومية طول قاعدته وارتفاعه الجانبي
فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي قائم بمعلومية ارتفاعه وطول ضلع قاعدته
The process completes as a birectification, reducing the original faces down to points, and producing the self-dual tetrahedron once again
Kahan, "What has the Volume of a Tetrahedron to do with Computer Programming Languages? Truncating edges down to points produces the as a rectified tetahedron If the closest pair of points between these two lines are points in the edges, they define the distance between the edges; otherwise, the distance between the edges equals that between one of the endpoints and the opposite edge

فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي منتظم بمعلومية طول قاعدته وارتفاعه الجانبي


رباعي الأسطح
فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي قائم بمعلومية ارتفاعه وطول ضلع قاعدته
فيديو السؤال: إيجاد حجم هرم رباعي منتظم بمعلومية طول قاعدته وارتفاعه الجانبي