كيف حفظ الله السماء من الشياطين. حكم وضع المصحف في البيت حرزاً من الشياطين

and still believe, that Satan and his descendants have a free access to every place in the universe With the help of the above, one can form a mental picture of the "fortified spheres"
Though there is no visible "wall" to keep distinct and separate one sphere from the others, Allah has securely guarded each of these spheres by invisible "walls" against each other Spanish - Cortes : Pero si uno de ellos escucha a hurtadillas entonces le persigue una llama brillante• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 但窃听的恶魔则有明显的流星赶上它。 For as soon as they cross the protective wall of our sphere, they are burnt to ashes

بروج السماء

That is why our "planet" has remained safe in spite of the occasional "rainfall" of countless meteors.

وحفظناها من كل شيطان رجيم
On the contrary, the Qur'an says that Satans cannot go beyond a certain limit and they have no unlimited power of ascension
كيف حفظ الله السماء من الشياطين
Such a scene was witnessed in an eastern pan of North America on November 13, 1833
كيف حفظ الله السماء من الشياطين
Satans, however, try to eaves-drop because they are by nature more like angels than human beings, but in reality, they succeed in obtaining very little information about it
In XXXVII: 10, the same thing has been called shihab-i-thaqib "flame that pierces through darkness" Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na tumezilinda na kila shetani afukuzwaye• Somali - Abduh : waxaana ka dhawray shaydaan la tuuray fogeeyey dhammaantiis• But sometimes a meteorite reaches the earth from outer space as if to warn the dwellers of this planet of the existence of the "power" of the Creator
Italiano - Piccardo : E lo proteggiamo da ogni demone lapidato• This is so strong a fortification that it can prevent Satans from passing through any fortified sphere Somali - Abduh : waxaana ka dhawray shaydaan la tuuray fogeeyey dhammaantiis• English - Sahih International : And We have protected it from every devil expelled [from the mercy of Allah]• Spanish - Cortes : y las hemos protegido contra todo demonio maldito• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : kecuali syaitan yang mencuricuri berita yang dapat didengar dari malaikat lalu dia dikejar oleh semburan api yang terang• Scientific observations made with the help of the telescope have shown that billions of these meteors are rushing from space in mass of "rainfall" towards the earth's atmosphere

وحفظناها من كل شيطان رجيم

中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我保护著天,不许任何受诅咒的恶魔得以侵入,• Anyhow if the "fiery flame" that pursues Satans may be taken to be a meteor, a countless number of these can form a fortification around our sphere of the universe.

حكم وضع المصحف في البيت حرزاً من الشياطين
'This may or may not necessarily be a "meteor" for it is just possible that it may be some type of rays such as "Cosmic Rays" or even a stronger type which we have not been able to discover as yet
المبحث الأول: استراق الجن لأخبار السماء
The Qur'an says that in fact they do not possess any means of obtaining information about unseen things
السماء محفوظة من الشياطين إلى قيام الساعة
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Isipo kuwa mwenye kusikiliza kwa kuibia naye hufuatwa na kijinga cha moto kinacho onekana• This has been mentioned in order to remove a common misunderstanding