حاسبة التقاعد المبكر. حساب التقاعد المبكر للموظفين

This grant is paid to the daughter who receives pension for her marriage, which is equal to 15 times of the value of the pension amount paid to her Entitlement requirements:• Working for one of the government units whose pension schemes do not allow the exchange of contributions or benefits with the Public Authority for Social Insurance True copy of the legal power of attorney of the beneficiaries
This grant is paid to the widow of the deceased or the oldest child True copy of the death certificate

التقاعد ومكافأة نهاية الخدمة

The non-occupational disability is proven by a certificate issued by the competent medical committee.

التقاعد ومكافأة نهاية الخدمة
Log in the Ministry of labour website or the Public Authority for Social Insurance
احتساب المعاش التقاعدي
Work in the manufacturing of tools from alloys of old lead and old zinc scrap , in the manufacturing of lead compounds
General Organization for Social Insurance
The insured is receiving pension from any other pension funds• 5- If he is capable of working and serious in looking for a job in accordance with the principles and conditions approved by the board of directors
True copy of the bank account number document• Pensions of disability and death that are not caused by work True copy of the IDs for the beneficiaries and the legal representative s
om and select inspection system report work injury and fill the required data, attach supporting document and send the application

حاسبة المعاش التقاعدي.. خدمة جديدة توفرها الهيئة العامة للتقاعد

etc 8 Sulphur poisoning and its complications Every work involving the use or handling of Sulphur or its compounds or materials containing it as well as all work involving exposure to fumes or dust of Sulphur or its compounds or materials containing it.

True copy of the death certificate
التقاعد ومكافأة نهاية الخدمة
No Type of the disease Operations or works causing the disease 1 Lead poisoning and its complications Any work involving the use or handling of lead or its compounds or materials containing it, including: Handling of raw materials containing lead
طريقة حساب راتب التقاعد العسكري والمدني وطريقة استخدام حاسبة المعاش التقاعدي
Those who are entitled for old-age pension upon reaching the age of sixty for men and fifty-five for women
It is a pension paid on a monthly basis to the insured employee who are covered under the Social Insurance Law and at the same time has reached the legal age and completed the contribution period that qualifies for this type of pension True copy of the original bank account number
The age of the insured employee is less than 60 years for males or 55 years for females Retirement card from another institution if the pension is available

مماثلة إحتساب المعاشات المدنية

It is calculated on the basis of the last gross salary received by the employee at the end of his service by one month's salary for each year of the first three years and two months' salary from the fourth year and beyond.

مماثلة إحتساب المعاشات المدنية
Consequently, in case of the death of the insured employee, the family members shall inform PASI of the death so that it can pay the pension at the earliest possible
حساب الراتب
The insured has reached sixty years of age as long as his service period is 15 actual years
طريقة حساب راتب التقاعد العسكري والمدني وطريقة استخدام حاسبة المعاش التقاعدي
Those who are entitled to receive a non-occupational disability pension