اهمية الماء. فوائد الماء: 9 أسباب سوف تقنعك بشرب الماء!

"Association between water consumption and body weight outcomes: a systematic review" NASA, "", 29 November 2012
"Influence of water drinking on resting energy expenditure in overweight children" The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy and Spaceflight

الماء وأهميته في حياتنا

The beginnings of western science: The European scientific tradition in philosophical, religious, and institutional context, prehistory to A.

أهم 10 معلومات عن الماء وفوائده
; Naika, Neha; Supriya, Gogulapati 2010
Melnick, Gary, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Neufeld, David, Johns Hopkins University quoted in:
اهمية الماء في حياتنا
" 'Direct' evidence for water H2O in the sunlit lunar ambience from CHACE on MIP of Chandrayaan I"
Carr, Travis Barman, Alexander J "Water Vapor, Possible Comets, Found Orbiting Star", 11 July 2001,
"Integrated Management of Water Resources "" Stookey JD, Constant F, Popkin BM, Gardner CD November 2008

بوابة الديار الإلكترونيه

Noakes TD; Goodwin N; Rayner BL; et al.

الماء وأهميته في حياتنا
1 "Water reserves on the earth"
بوابة الديار الإلكترونيه
"Water intoxication: a possible complication during endurance exercise, 1985"
بوابة الديار الإلكترونيه
Environmentally Sound Technology for Wastewater and Stormwater Management: An International Source Book
"Drinking water is associated with weight loss in overweight dieting women independent of diet and activity" Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Platt, Jane; Bell, Brian 3 April 2014 Tampa, Florida, USA: ASCE Publications

موضوع تعبير عن الماء

"Localized sources of water vapour on the dwarf planet 1 Ceres".

اهمية الماء في حياتنا
"ISO observations of the giant planets and Titan: what have we learnt? "New Light on the Heart of Darkness of the Solar Chromosphere"
اهمية الماء في حياتنا
Ball, Philip 14 September 2007
أهم 10 معلومات عن الماء وفوائده
Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World