Just thinking book. Just Ella

Upon arriving at the camp, Jed proposes to Ella, confessing that he was in love with her since they met but said nothing due to her engagement It is through him that Ella learns the rumors surrounding her engagement involving a fairy godmother and a pumpkin coach, and she tells him the truth
She tells Ella that she had to work her way up into nobility and do terrible things without any regret while she is trapped there, but refuses to divulge more The prince went straight to Lucille's house and took Corimunde to marry him, and now they and her sister and mother are living happily at the palace

Just Ella

He taught Ella to read and he himself is a huge fan of books.

Just Ella
He first appears when taking over Ella's history lesson after his father has a stroke
Just Ella
Ella is chosen as his wife because of her beauty
Just Ella
Jed is very philosophical and often ponders life
However, her true nature is revealed after their marriage, which breaks his heart Like the Prince, he finds Ella very beautiful, but he can see her humor, courage, intelligence, and perseverance
Madame Bisset also posts a monstrous jailer named Quog to keep guard over her, warning Ella that if she refuses to go through with the marriage after the wedding day, he will be allowed to do with her as he wishes When Ella is proposed to by the prince, Lucille tries unsuccessfully to flatter her

Just Ella

With the help of Mary, Ella digs her way out of the cell through the hole that serves as a toilet, steals some supplies and her father's books from Lucille's house, and makes her way to Jed's refugee camp, which he was given permission to build after Ella's imprisonment so he would not learn what happened to her.

Just Ella
The girls were separated shortly before the queen's death, entrusted to the royal knights
Just Ella
The plot revolves around Ella, a beautiful girl struggling to find the true meaning of happiness
Just Ella
She tells him to wait six months, however, so that she has time to sort things out and ask again