علاج حصى الكلى. حصى الكلى: الأساب، الأعراض والعلاج

Pazhanichami, and others 1-2015 , , VEGETABLES AND HUMAN HEALTH, Page 454-468 In: Conn's Current Therapy 2020
Haiying Zhang, Ning Li, Kun Li, and others 8-10-2014 , , Molecular Medicine Reports, Issue 6, Folder 10, Page 3157-3162 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

افضل علاج لتفتيت حصى الكلى

Kavitha Singh 7-2020 , , International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Issue 7, Folder 11, Page 3347-3354.

افضل علاج لتفتيت حصى الكلى
Diagnosis and acute management of suspected nephrolithiasis in adults
ما هو علاج حصى الكلى؟
Options in the management of renal and ureteral stones in adults
ما علاج حصى الكلى؟
Kidney stones: Treatment and prevention
Ramalingam Nirmaladevi, Kalpana S, and S Kavitha 22-7-2012 , , Journal of Pharmacy Research, Issue 8, Folder 5, Page 4353-4356 Volkan Tugcu, Eray Kemahli, Emin Ozbek, and others 19-12-2008 , , Journal of Endourology, Issue 12, Folder 22, Page 2723-2732
In: Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine Mudhir Shekha, Abbas Qadir, Haval Ali, and others 12-2014 , , Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, Issue 4, Folder 7, Page 257-260

علاج حصوات الكلى بأعشاب وأطعمة طبيعية


علاج حصى الكلى
Mohammad Movaghati, Mahdi Yousefi, Seyed Saghebi, and others 3-2019 , , Phytotherapy Research, Issue 4, Folder 33, Page 1404-1412
حصى الكلى: الأساب، الأعراض والعلاج
تفتيت حصى الكلى بالأعشاب