من معالم سطح القمر. معالم سطح القمر

International Institute of Space Law Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
"Lunar laser ranging: a continuing legacy of the Apollo program" "Evolution of the Earth-Moon system"

اي مما يأتي ليس من معالم سطح القمر

Marshack, Alexander 1991 : The Roots of Civilization, Colonial Hill, Mount Kisco, NY.

نبذة تعريفية عن معالم سطح القمر
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
أختار أي مما يأتي ليس من معالم سطح القمر
" 'Direct' evidence for water H2O in the sunlit lunar ambience from CHACE on MIP of Chandrayaan I"
ليس من معالم سطح القمر
"Hf—W Chronometry of Lunar Metals and the Age and Early Differentiation of the Moon"
"The constitution and structure of the lunar interior" International Institute of Space Law
Impact cratering: A geologic process Planetary Science and Research Discoveries

ما هي معالم سطح القمر

"Formation of magnetic anomalies antipodal to lunar impact basins: Two-dimensional model calculations".

اي مما يأتي ليس من معالم سطح القمر
"Fluxes of Fast and Epithermal Neutrons from Lunar Prospector: Evidence for Water Ice at the Lunar Poles"
هل يمكن أن يعيش الانسان على سطح القمر
Phillips, Tony 12 March 2007
من معالم سطح القمر
Tucson, Arizona: Sterling Publishing Co
Coulter, Dauna 18 March 2010 Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
"Understanding the lunar surface and space-Moon interactions" "Celestial body irradiance determination from an underfilled satellite radiometer: application to albedo and thermal emission measurements of the Moon using CERES"

نبذة تعريفية عن معالم سطح القمر

Lunar impact-melt data regarding impact history".

معالم سطح القمر
SP-287 What Made Apollo a Success? "Hf—W Chronometry of Lunar Metals and the Age and Early Differentiation of the Moon"
"Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation"
ليس من معالم سطح القمر
"Ages and stratigraphy of mare basalts in Oceanus Procellarum, Mare Numbium, Mare Cognitum, and Mare Insularum"