مساحة المعين. مساحة المعين

Owen Byer, Felix Lazebnik and Deirdre Smeltzer, Methods for Euclidean Geometry, Mathematical Association of America, 2010, p Owen Byer, Felix Lazebnik and Deirdre Smeltzer, Methods for Euclidean Geometry, Mathematical Association of America, 2010, p
Zalman Usiskin and Jennifer Griffin, "The Classification of Quadrilaterals Note: 's original definition and some English dictionaries' definition of rhombus excludes squares, but modern mathematicians prefer the inclusive definition

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A Study of Definition", Information Age Publishing, 2008, pp.

قانون حساب مساحة المعين
مساحة المعين
Zalman Usiskin and Jennifer Griffin, "The Classification of Quadrilaterals
قانون حساب مساحة المعين
Note: 's original definition and some English dictionaries' definition of rhombus excludes squares, but modern mathematicians prefer the inclusive definition
A Study of Definition", Information Age Publishing, 2008, pp

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