يتعافى المرء. لعلاج الهموم والأحزان

If you feel you must bring light to such posts, please use the open discussion threads
There is no obligation for anyone to abide by your religious values, and browbeating, religious chauvinism, and preaching is not tolerated are tentatively allowed, although to prevent them taking over the subreddit they will be approved or removed at the moderators' discretion depending on their quality

«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)

No homophobia Homophobia is strictly forbidden.

«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)
Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights including the copyrights of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual
لعلاج الهموم والأحزان
Be civil Above all, be civil
«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)
There are plenty of online Arab spaces where LGBT people are vilified and their existence constantly scrutinized, this does not have to be one of them
No nationalism Check your nationalism at the door No preaching This is not a Muslim or Christian subreddit
— belong in the open discussion threads This is not a photo album All non-original photograph posts — cities, nature, bedouins, etc

«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)

Nationalism is the basic material which furnishes fascism.

كيف أنسى الخيانة
This only applies to photographs
يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه : arabs
Keep posts relevant to the subreddit Broadly speaking, anything concerning the Arab World, Arabic culture, and the various Arab states, including ethnic and linguistic minorities therein, is welcome
«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)
You can still post your meme without risk of removal in the pinned open discussion threads
No political news articles This is not a news site like Aljazeera No low-effort posts As the subreddit grows and the volume of posts with it, the need to be regulate them becomes a necessity
Posts like this only serve to produce outrage and indulge in the worst and most toxic aspect of an online community - circlejerking in self-righteous rage and frenzied mob mentality ones you took yourself, are allowed

«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)

Some exceptions apply: for purely Islamic matters use.

لعلاج الهموم والأحزان
For help learning Arabic use
لعلاج الهموم والأحزان
We are not concerned with the daily political developments in the Arab World
«يتعافى المرء بأصدقائه».. من هي رغدة النجار التي لا تظهر سلمى الشيمي بدونها؟ (صور)
The internet is already saturated with hate and toxicity; there is no need to make this yet another corner of misery