كلا اذا بلغت التراقي. القرآن الكريم/سورة القيامة

And then woe to you! Melayu - Basmeih : Sedarlah janganlah mengutamakan dunia dan melupakan akhirat Ingatlah akan hal orang yang hendak mati apabila rohnya sampai ke pangkal kerongkong• And one shank will be joined with another shank Hausa - Gumi : A'aha Iadan rai ya kai ga karankarmai• Surely, for Him is the judgement and He is the swiftest in taking account
And then woe to you! '' In another narration from him Al-Hasan he said, "His two legs have died and they will not carry him while he used to walk around on them 41:40 There are other examples of this as well

القرآن الكريم/سورة القيامة

Then he became a perfect creation with healthy limbs, as either a male or a female by the permission and decree of Allah.

كلا إذا بلغت التراقي
'' Mujahid said, "A test will be joined with a test
إسلام ويب
"The great matter will be joined with the great matter
فصل: الكلام على قوله تعالى: {كلا إذا بلغت التراقي}:
Swahili - Al-Barwani : La hasha Roho itakapo fikia kwenye mafupa ya koo• This is that the soul ascends into the heavens and Allah says, "Return my servant to the earth, for verily, I have created them from it, I return them into it, and from it I will bring them out at another time
And made of him two sexes, male and female So there will be hardships that will meet more hardships, except for he whom Allah has mercy upon
The intent here is to affirm the existence of the abode of the final return and to refute whoever rejects it from the people of deviance, ignorance and stubbornness So, he neither believed nor prayed! This is a definite warning and threat from Allah to those who disbelieve in Him and strut about when walking


This will become something witnessed by you with your own eyes.

تفسير سورة القيامة [ من الآية (20) إلى الآية (40) ]
Was he not a Nutfah of semen emitted 38
القرآن الكريم/سورة القيامة
This means that he will not be left neglected in this worldly life, without being commanded and prohibited
كلا إذا بلغت التراقي
And then woe to you! 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 真的,灵魂达到锁骨,• Rather he will be commanded and prohibited in this life, and gathered back to Allah in the abode of the Hereafter