موضوع التعليم عن بعد. تعريف التعلم عن بعد

; Ringer, Fritz; Simon, Brian; Bryant, Margaret; Roach, John; Harte, Negley; Smith, Barbara; Symonds, Richard 1988 Keevy, James; Chakroun, Borhene 2015
" Gifted Child Today, v Rehabilitation Education, 15 3 , 283-293

جهود المملكة في التعليم عن بعد

E-Learning in the 21st Century: A Framework for Research and Practice.

إيجابيات وسلبيات التعلم عن بعد
Therapy training online: Using the internet to widen access to training in mental health issues
«التعلم عن بُعد» في مواجهة «كورونا المستجد»
Going the distance; Developing shared web-based learning programs
بحث شامل عن التعليم عن بعد
Gold, Larry; Maitland, Christine 1999
The University of Louisville, pp 115—117• Rothblatt, Sheldon; Muller, Detlef K
Journal of Allied Health, 31 4 , 247-251 Kett, Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties: From Self-Improvement to Adult Education in America 1996 pp 236-8• The Arts in Psychotherapy, 37, 106-111

تعريف التعلم عن بعد

Journal of Systemic Therapies, 20 1 , 13-23.

تعريف التعلم عن بعد
Distance supervision: Research, findings, and considerations for art therapy
مميزات وفوائد التعليم عن بعد لطلبة المدارس والجامعات في الدولة
A comparison of distance education instructional methods in occupational therapy
صحيفة البلاد
Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Use of Technology Since 1920, pp 27—50• Clark, "The Correspondence School—Its Relation to Technical Education and Some of Its Results," Science 1906 24 611 pp 327-8, 332, 333