معلومات عن القهوه. نبذة قصيرة عن تاريخ القهوة

Yeboah, Salomey 8 March 2005 Weinberg, Bennett Alan; Bealer, Bonnie K
If you have any questions; please do not be shy, I will answer them with all pleasure at the end Journal of the American Oriental Society

ما فوائد القهوة وأضرارها

2 September 2000 : 11—12.

درجات طحن القهوة بالارقام
A descriptive catalogue of the London traders, tavern, and coffee-house toke
أنواع القهوة وأهم فوائدها الصحية
And spread in Britain through a Turkish immigrant opened a coffee shop, Thus, Arabic coffee has produced all kinds of coffee known in the world
10 حقائق لم تعرفينها عن القهوة
Rob Urgert, Angela GM Schulz, and Martijn Katan 1995 , , The American journal of clinical nutrition, Issue 1, Folder 61, Page 149-154
The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500—1989: 192—208 Cornelis, MC; El-Sohemy, A 2007
"Habitual Coffee Consumption and Risk of Heart Failure: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis" Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost accessed September 30, 2017

كلمات جميلة عن القهوة

Silverman, K; Evans, SM; Strain, EC; Griffiths, RR October 15, 1992.

ما فوائد القهوة وأضرارها
A History of the Levant Company
تاريخ القهوة
The Social Life of Coffee: The emergence of the British Coffee house
تحميص حبوب القهوة
Humanities International Complete, EBSCOhost accessed September 27, 2017