يمكن زيادة ضغط غاز محصور له حجم ثابت إذا ............ درجة حرارته.. اختر الاجابة الصحيحة فيما يلي اي التغيرات التالية ينتج عنه زيادة ضغط غاز محصور في بالون

New York: Harper and Sons
An alternative story is that Van Helmont's word is corrupted from gahst or geist , signifying a ghost or spirit Boyle's lab equipment allowed the use of to obtain his analytical results

قانون بويل

This assumption allows the use of which greatly simplifies calculations.

This term is the of specific volume
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة فيما يلي اي التغيرات التالية ينتج عنه زيادة ضغط غاز محصور في بالون
At the upper end of the engine temperature ranges e
كيف يمكن زيادة تسارع سيارة سباق؟
This region referred to as a volume must be sufficient in size to contain a large sampling of gas particles
This approximation is more suitable for applications in engineering although simpler models can be used to produce a "ball-park" range as to where the real solution should lie This means that these ideal equations provide reasonable results except for extremely high pressure compressible or high temperature ionized conditions
In contrast, a molecule in a solid can only increase its vibrational modes with the addition of heat as the lattice crystal structure prevents both linear and rotational motions For assumptions of kinetic theory see McPherson, pp

تأثير درجة الحرارة على الغاز

See page 137 of American Chemical Society, Faraday Society, Chemical Society Great Britain The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Volume 11 Cornell 1907.

This approximation is more suitable for applications in engineering although simpler models can be used to produce a "ball-park" range as to where the real solution should lie
يمكن زيادة ضغط غاز محصور له حجم ثابت إذا درجة حرارته
Among his key journal observations upon mixing unreactive "elastic fluids" gases were the following:• It can also be used to characterize the flow
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة فيما يلي اي التغيرات التالية ينتج عنه زيادة ضغط غاز محصور في بالون
Gay-Lussac credited Charles' earlier work by naming the law in his honor