كلمات انجليزية جميلة. عبارات جميلة طويلة

My beloved, you are one in a million You complete me like a dessert completes a meal
You are my life and always on my mind What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other

كلمات انجليزيه جميله وقصيره مترجمة

Your flight leaves from gate 20.

عبارات رائعة بالانجليزي
The owners of high motivation are those who live long
عبارات جميلة باللغة الانجليزية , صور امثال بالانجليزي
Fights and arguments, ups and downs, hugs and kisses, smiles and frowns
كلمات غزل بالانجليزي مترجمة
Do not strive for perfection
Happiness seems made to be shred I miss the tears that call on me to wash! When you gaze at me I get addicted to you! With a wife like you, I feel so blessed
I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of the world alone A friend in need is a damned nuisance

عبارات جميلة طويلة

If I were given one thing to eliminate then I will eliminate the distance between us because I miss you so much.

كلمات انجليزيه , كلمات مترجمه للعربى
To have you in my life is a blessing in disguise
عبارات جميلة باللغة الانجليزية , صور امثال بالانجليزي
Be strong, you make your success
عبارات جميلة وقصيرة رائعه
I want to be with you for the rest of my life