مثلث باسكال. ما هو قانون نصف قطر الدائرة

Practice online or make a printable study sheet It is known that there are infinitely many numbers that occur at least 6 times in Pascal's triangle, namely the solutions to 24 where is the th Singmaster 1975
15 in New York: Vintage Books, pp "Equal Binomial Coefficients: Some Elementary Considerations

ارتفاع (مثلث)


Pascal's Triangle
Pascal's triangle mod 2 turns out to be equivalent to the Wolfram 1984; Crandall and Pomerance 2001; Borwein and Bailey 2003, pp
ما هو قانون نصف قطر الدائرة
"Computation Theory of Cellular Automata
ارتفاع (مثلث)
40-41 88, and 184-186, 1989 "How Often Does an Integer Occur as a Binomial Coefficient? New York: Oxford University Press, 1972
There is an unexpected connection between Pascal's triangle and the via G Join the initiative for modernizing math education

متوازي أضلاع


متوازي أضلاع
Champaign, IL: Wolfram Media, pp
ارتفاع (مثلث)
ما هو قانون نصف قطر الدائرة
Zalman Usiskin and Jennifer Griffin, "The Classification of Quadrilaterals