وصف علمي لظاهرة البراكين. بحث كامل عن البراكين بالافكار 2020

Felsic lavas or tend to be highly not very fluid and are erupted as domes or short, stubby flows When the icecap melts, the lavas on the top collapse leaving a flat-topped mountain
Water released from the subducting plate lowers the melting temperature of the overlying mantle wedge, creating Very good examples of this type of volcano can be seen in Iceland, however, there are also tuyas in


Cinder cones may form as flank vents on larger volcanoes, or occur on their own.

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Finally, explosive volcanic eruptions release the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and thus provide a deep source of for biogeochemical cycles
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A large number of minor and trace gases are also found in volcanic emissions, for example , , , organic compounds, and volatile metal chlorides
These so-called "" , for example at , can occur far from plate boundaries
The concentrations of different can vary considerably from one volcano to the next Typical examples for this kind of volcano are and the volcanoes in the
Then, the pillow lavas also collapse, giving an angle of 37 This magma tends to be very due to its high content, so often does not reach the surface and cools at depth


The release of pressure due to the thinning of the crust leads to expansion, and the partial melting of the causing volcanism and creating new oceanic crust.

Most are at the bottom of the oceans, therefore most volcanic activity is submarine, forming new seafloor
's , formed by the eruption of near in 1912, is an example of a thick or deposit
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These can be relatively short-lived eruptions that produce a cone-shaped hill perhaps 30 to 400 meters high