ربي اوزعني اشكر نعمتك وافوز برضاك. ثلاث ارباع رقم

And by them please have mercy upon our parents and brethren and sheikhs and everyone ever linked to us, and have mercy O Lord upon anyone who read them and and extracted from them a light for grace Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children, Hidden excitedly, containing laughter
Through his light You carried Your Throne bearers, and through his secret You lifted Your skies and stretched Your earth Whoever follows your path and stands for your cause will be supported by The Lord

كنوز الأسرار فى الصلاة على النّبىّ المختار

Whoever comes begging to your door will be accepted by The Lord.

دعاء قبل المغرب مستجاب
Whoever obeys you has obeyed The Lord
كنوز الأسرار فى الصلاة على النّبىّ المختار
I seek forgiveness of The Great Lord, Whom there is no other God save He, The Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting, and repent to Him
كنوز الأسرار فى الصلاة على النّبىّ المختار
I beseech You to send upon Sayyidina Mohammed prayers that befit the honor of his honorable perfection, and is appropriate for his great valued status, and by which You reward its reciter by viewing his beauty; prayers through which You grant us stay in Your honor gardens on the adorned couches of viewing You and Your manifestation, captivated by Your stunning lights, scented by the truths of the gentleness of Your features, in the seat with Your beloved and chosen and friend: the bright beauty, and the subduing grace, and the majestic, and the grand perfection, Sayyidina and our master and our loved one and our healer, and our supporter Mohammed, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam
worthy to be feared, and worthy to forgive He is Your secret preserved by Your Status and Majesty, crowned by the lights of Your secrets and beauty
And please carry out Your inapparent gentle Clemency in all our affairs and the affairs of all Muslims So if they turn away, say: 'God suffices me


He is Your custodian, the treasurer of Your Knowledge, the bearer of the pole of Your praise and gratitude, the element of Your secrets, the appearance of Your glory, the center and perimeter of the circle of Your kingdom.

كنوز الأسرار فى الصلاة على النّبىّ المختار
Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Lord! Talk on Meraj Lessons by Moulana Siraaj Joubert Imam Masjid Uthmaan radhiallahu anhu in Port Elizabeth 5
ادعية مكتوبة مؤثرة جدا ومبكية
That is their description in the Torah
بسمه تعالى اسم موضوع
And upon all prophets and messengers, and upon all the angels