كتاب انجليزي ثاني ثانوي مقررات. حل كتاب انجليزي ثاني ثانوي مقررات 3 ف2 للسنة 1442

There were about two million people at the festival I truly appreciate your genuine interest in my problem but there is nothing you can do to help
Nathalie forgot to lock the door last night The hurricane was so powerful that it ripped off the roofs of most houses

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I went to Oman three years ago.

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I usually play baseball but today I have to finish a project
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Which flowers do you prefer? He is very honest so I am sure he is telling you the truth
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Aya phoned mona this morning
To tell the truth , I think that Harry was lying to us When students work together on projects, they learn how to cooperate with each other
Humans are responsible for most of the destruction of the environment The big football match between our school and the Rovers is next Sunday

انجليزي ثاني ثانوي الفصل الثاني

Can you tell me why Sally is crying.

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There have been more legal disputes in the last years
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A: What did you buy yesterday? The words in bold are the answers
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Try to hit the ball over the net