متى يكون الحيوان مهدد بالانقراض. عقاب ذهبية

" [Falco] cera lutea, pedibus lanatis, corpore fusco ferrugineo vario, cauda nigra basi cinereo-undulata Handbook of the birds of the world
"Diet of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos during the Breeding Season in Sweden" Family Accipitridae Hawks and Eagles in del Hoyo, J

عقاب ذهبية

Mark Holling and the Rare Breeding Birds Panel 2010.

عقاب ذهبية
Fish and Wildlife Service Home
عقاب ذهبية
Clark and Wheeler 2001 , p
عقاب ذهبية
"Spatial use and habitat selection of golden eagles in southwestern Idaho"
"Hunting behavior of golden eagles, Aquila chrysaetos, migrating in southwestern Alberta" Fish and Wildlife Service Home
1986 , -SR 2001 , USFWS-OLE 2004a,b , 2008• "Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos " The Birds of the Western Palearctic

عقاب ذهبية

Nonpasserines: Diurnal Birds of Prey Through Woodpeckers.

عقاب ذهبية
II — Hawks to Bustards
عقاب ذهبية
"Predation by a Golden Eagle on a Brown Bear Cub"
عقاب ذهبية
"Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2007"
United States: Princeton University Press "Food Habits of Golden Eagles in Eastern Washington"
"Interactive effects of prey and weather on golden eagle reproduction" Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press

عقاب ذهبية

"Food habits and nest characteristics of breeding raptors in southwestern Wyoming".

عقاب ذهبية
"Development of behavior in the Golden Eagle"
عقاب ذهبية
عقاب ذهبية
Surrey, British Columbia: Hancock House