اللوغاريتمات العشرية. شرح درس اللوغاريتمات العشرية الدرس السادس رياضيات 5 ثالث ثانوي فصلي مقررات » موقع معلمين

17 The analyses in the pooled global and regional sample included fixed effects for countries, achieved by including an indicator variable for each country All analyses were repeated separately for men and women
In the same way, an average log BAF of in invertebrate species and an average log BAF of in vertebrate species can be calculated from other studies Oliver et al hevreuil et al artley et al aquet et al 16 All analyses were adjusted for age and sex; at the global level, they were based on The World Bank income classification of countries and The World Bank geographical regions



اللوغاريتمات العشرية worksheet
The logits were exponentiated to odds ratios ORs for interpretative reasons
اللوغاريتمات العشرية worksheet
بوربوينت لدرس اللوغاريتمات العشرية مع تطبيق الإستراتيجيات ثالث ثانوي 1437 هـ



اللوغاريتمات العشرية ص 118
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