مرو. أين تقع مرو

Seljuq leader conquest of Merv in 1037 revitalized the city; under his descendants, especially , who made it his residence, Merv found itself at the center of a large multicultural empire Great Kyz Qala fortress , Merv Evidence of this prosperity is found throughout the Soltangala
3000 Years of Urban Growth After fighting a duel with a superior officer he was demoted to the ranks and by 1882 had risen to lieutenant

مرو (مدينة)

When they were in front of him, they were executed and the people looked on and wept.

شرح وترجمة حديث: مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين، واضربوهم عليها، وهم أبناء عشر، وفرقوا بينهم في المضاجع
In 1221, the city opened its gates to an invading horde; the resulting destruction of the city proved totally devastating
مرو الشاهجان
The Mongol invasion spelled the eclipse of Merv and other major centers for more than a century
مرو (مدينة)
This colony retained its native sympathies and became the nucleus of Khurasan
Hence under 125 000 and probably under 100 000—as Merv rose very fast as a Seljuk capital• Any remnants of interior or exterior decoration have been lost due to erosion or theft Shaim Kala was a self-contained walled city intended to relieve the over-crowding, and to deal with religious and political discontent of the newly arrived peoples
Chandler defined a city as a continuously built-up area urban with suburbs but without farmland inside the municipality

مدينة مرو

Erk Gala [ ] The oldest part of Merv, known as Erk Gala Erk Gala from , "the citadel fort" is the oldest part of the city of Merv complex.

أين تقع مرو
The Murghab delta region, known to the Greeks as , gives Merv two distinct advantages: first, it provides an easy southeast—northwest route from the Afghan highlands towards the lowlands of Karakum, the valley and
شرح وترجمة حديث: مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين، واضربوهم عليها، وهم أبناء عشر، وفرقوا بينهم في المضاجع
Chaghri, his son sultan from 1063 to 1072 and great-grandson sultan from 1118 to 1157 were all buried at Merv, the latter at the
مرو الشاهجان
By the mid-12th century, the galleries were filled in, and the wall was greatly strengthened