What dinosaur has 500 teeth. Nigersaurus

This unorthodox beast boasted a very unique tooth structure, especially within a sauropod dinosaur
What day is today 2 Like many dinosaurs and all modern birds, many Nigersaurus bones were hollow and likely indicate the presence of a complicated bird-like respiratory system

Here's Why People Are Saying You Shouldn't Google Dinosaur Has 500

On the other end of the spectrum, Tyrannosaurus rex had 50 to 60 solid cone-shaped teeth as big as bananas.

Nigersaurus: The Dinosaur With 500 Teeth, A Nightmare for Odontophobes
Therefore, Nigersaurus shows that it feeds on relatively soft herbaceous plants, such as low-growth ferns
What Dinosaur Has 500 Teeth: (Dinosaur With 500 Teeth) Find Your Answer Here
Fossils from the Nigersaurus were said to be first recognised in 1976, however it was named as late as 1999 after more extensive and complete findings of its remains
‘Don’t Google which dinosaur had 500 teeth’
Among that , Nigersaurus was fairly small, with a body length of only 9 m 30 ft and a reaching only 1 m 3 ft 3 in
Nigersaurus was named by Sereno along with his colleagues The joke-turn-meme has been shared overall on social media platforms, originally on Reddit
And there are trend changes, especially when it comes to inquiries about Covid-19 He also suggested it could have low-browsed from short conifers and other low-growing plants

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It would not have eaten grass, however, because the grass had not grown yet.

The Dinosaur With 500 Teeth: A Racist Joke Gone Viral Known
It has four large side fenestrae, openings in the skull, and thin bones
Nigersaurus: The Dinosaur With 500 Teeth, A Nightmare for Odontophobes
The Nigersaurus also would not eat you because human beings had not come into being yet when it was alive around 110 million years ago
Nigersaurus: The Dinosaur With 500 Teeth, A Nightmare for Odontophobes
Do you know the answer to this question? Some dinosaurs, like Ornithomimus and Gallimimus, did not have teeth